“It was terrifying! I could actually feel its breath! What kind of dream was that?” Toura pleaded.
Known to the family as Gran’ Auntie. She swooshed about the kitchen in her cozy red slippers, her long jet-black locks swaying to the rhythm of her gait, Toura’s Grand Aunt listened to her niece with inconspicuous interest and awe as she began pouring hot water into tiny blue teacups.
Without a word, she continued to move about peering into a small cupboard from which she produced a large jar filled with wild honey – complete with a comb. She then proceeded to the oven where she carefully handled a hot glass pan that was filled with homemade golden brown biscuits. To accompany those fluffy morsels came a plate of crisp thick bacon.
Last, but certainly not least, came a colorful tray of fresh fruit – slices of sweet mango, kiwi, bananas, and a few rings of pineapple.
Quietly, Toura’s aunt pulled out her chair from the table, sat down, and positioned herself to pray. Toura followed suit, holding her head down with her hands together slightly touching her forehead – her Bible meticulously placed on the table by her side.
As Gran’ Auntie prayed, she spoke with a tranquil voice thanking The Lord for His mercy and kindness. She then asked for His blessings to be upon the food for the nourishment of their bodies, in Jesus’ name, Amen. Toura loved the time she was able to spend with her Aunt. A woman who moved about as if she were still in her fifties but was “Blessed,” she would say, “to be peakin’ 90.” One of God’s enigmas for sure.
For a long while, the two ate in silence. It was then when Toura reached for her teacup that her Elder began to speak.
“You know your Nana used to have visions – she wouldn’t sleep during the night for fear of being visited by them.”
“Your sister?”
“What kind of visions?”
Drawing her bottom lip up in a bunched-up frown, Gran’ Auntie spoke shaking her head, “Don’t know, would hear her speaking in a strange language while she was asleep as a girl. When she grew older I noticed how she would stay up through the night workin’ crossword puzzles and readin’ books to keep herself awake into the wee hours of the morning. She never spoke of her dreams to anyone. I tried consoling her by tellin’ her that maybe GOD was communicating with her. I told her she needed to pray.”
Listening intently, Toura picked up another warm biscuit, broke it open, and gently ladled it with a teaspoon of the wild honey.
Toura pressed the issue.
“My mom told me that some of the elders said Nana had “the sight.” They said she was born with a veil over her eyes. Was that true?”
Gran’ Auntie never looked up from her plate, only kept chewing her bacon.