Woodbridge, Virginia: local and state
public service women.

RE – Inspiring 

Two years ago, our online magazine, ibronze.us, launched with the aim of providing a platform for writers whose voices are often unheard due to their private or semi-private lives! We began by inspiring our readership and reaching out into the community. 
We were not without scratches from the talons of the Post-COVID financial woes. 
Like many we needed to take a break and recuperate. However, we are back online and once again, working towards building a voice in the expansive digital universe. 
Some of our original interviewees have since published their own books, or second books, and so we will begin with revisiting them. Other interviewees who stories were lost when the main recording device was stolen. Nevertheless, new times call for new measures. With the new technologies that have been released during our hiatus, we can now make up for lost content and lost time. 
So, readers, We are back! 
More about us