Toura’s Wind

The thought and inspiration for the story, Toura’s Wind, came when I had a dream about a town that was in need of protection from a negative deity.


Toura’s Wind is a fictional story about the process of spiritual understanding, if you will. It is a journey–like a journey to the Holy Land, but through the writings, which modern man terms The Bible.


  • The protagonist of this story, Toura, embarks upon an eschatological journey through The Holy Bible when inherits a curious journal from her Aunt, all too timely. As Toura reads through the journal she comes across her Aunt’s notes of Scripture and varying views concerning The Rapture, also known as Parousia, Second Advent, The Return of Christ.
  • Toura’s studies lead her to three opposing views that relate to the Tribulation, a time of great adversity, suffering and distress; the timing of the Man of Lawlessness – infamously known as the Anti-Christ; and the Sign of The Son of Man Who returns to gather His Elect from the four winds.
  • Moved by her passion for Scripture, Toura’s husband, who is also her pastor, challenges her to present a case to members of the Church he shepherds of what she believes to be true based on the very Words of Jesus Christ, the prophet Daniel and the Apostle Paul concerning the Tribulation. Toura has one chance to present evidence of her belief with hopes that many who have believed for years in a pre and mid Tribulation will come to an understanding of what GOD’S Word says as it relates to a post-Tribulation.
  • Time seems to be of the utmost urgency for Toura, as she believes that as the foretelling of the post-Tribulation unfolds, nation against nation, plagues, hatred, lawlessness, that many of her fellow Christians may not be prepared for what Jesus has so plainly said would take place prior to His Return . . .