In today’s society, providing a good education for a child can be very costly.* Most of us feel, if I’m not making a six-figure salary, my poor child will not stand a chance.
Well, I’m here to tell you there is a way! As a single parent of five children, I felt the same way; however, lucky for me, my children knew my struggles and they assisted in finding a way.
I know it’s hard to be honest with your children when you aren’t financially or emotionally stable. As parents, we tend to believe that hiding the truth from our children will somehow lessen the effect of our situations. Now let me be real clear, I’m not saying give it to them raw, but give them enough to understand that life is no bed of roses. Trust me, it will help them to understand, appreciate your struggle, and even motivate them to want to search for means to assist you with their future. That said, let’s get back to the topic.
State Programs: In New Jersey, there are two programs to assist parents with proper education for an eager child:
I am lucky enough to have had a child in both programs. The programs are very rigorous and your child will have to be dedicated to not only participate in afterschool programs, but Saturday and summer participation as well. Believe me, it’s worth it.
My New Jersey Seeds graduate is now in her final year of law school after attending boarding school in Massachusetts, courtesy of the NJ Seeds program.
My Princeton Prep grad was able to attend the college of her choice. She has a Bachelors in Arts and Liberal Studies and is, now, the proud owner of a prospering non-profit organization called Jersey Divas.
In other words, don’t think just because you’re not financially set that your children can’t get good-schooling. With a little research about your state educational programs, I’m sure you will find similar opportunities.
Once your children start on the education road, especially while attending college, you may find the cost of books, rooming, and other necessities are still draining your pockets. Well, depending on your situation you can always request a hardship increase through the guidance counselor. Every educational facility is different, but don’t be too prideful or ashamed to inquire! You’ll only damage yourself financially, physically, or even emotionally–not to mention, hinder your child’s educational growth. The assistance is out there and you and your child just have to be eager enough to seek it out.
The only thing you stand to lose is a little time, but the reward will out that by far.
For other assistance, remember to bug your school’s Guidance Counselor and ask your local public librarian and you can even check the Library of Congress.
- The Pell Grant is an option and remember, some grants and financial assistance may only apply to an in-state institution program versus an out-of-state one.
- Apply to several different colleges and weigh the grant money offered.
- Check for small local grants within your community and/or religious faction.
- Some financial grants can be found for ethnic background, spot affiliation, and other criteria. Check
- Review McDonald’s, Dell, and other companies that may offer scholarships.
From 9th to 12th grade: Most importantly, remember to start searching for funds during your child’s freshman year in high school as some financial amounts may have a required grade average or other criteria attached. Starting your search early gives you ample time to get on track.
Now go crazy and find funding to help your legacy prosper to GREATNESS!!!!
*According to Education Data, the average cost of a state college is well above $25,000 per year, and private college costs average as high as $53,000 per year!
Extra resources for parents from Today News and US News Scholarship Tips.