Awaken to the echoes of the nightmares screams,
Ponder my existence and what it all means.
I lay my head back down because it seems,
I will only have you in my dreams.
The dim of dawn’s light hurts my eyes,
Taunting me and my heart’s cries.
A part of me withers and dies,
Can a phoenix be too heartbroken to rise?
There is a silver lining wrapped around the grey,
My feet firmly planted–I stand alone today.
Though I feel I may never be the same,
Sometimes it takes the littlest spark to reignite the flame.
Slowly I begin to crawl from the dense fog,
Nipping at my heels I can still feel the dogs.
The gears begin to spend like precisely placed cogs,
Perhaps there is a chance to escape this putrid rancid bog.
I come to terms with my desires,
Left in the sun all eventually expires.
And though my hope had attempted to refine,
Somewhere deep inside myself I can feel the fire.
Perhaps I’ll never know where my life’s to go,
but no longer will I lay around grounded in this hole.
Somewhere buried underneath, I can feel my soul,
It’s hysterical cries to breathe become whole.
So while the Phoenix resting here may appear as ash,
One day it will rise again, better than the past.
Wings brand new and eager, for at last,
It will take to the skies that once mocked it for its crash.